Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Bananas over Bananas

Baby boy didn't love starting solids, but he finally loves eating bananas! Today he happily ate three servings of bananas. So far he only likes bananas...but that's a good start! 

Friday, November 22, 2013

Mobile Baby

Today while Mom and Dad were out of commission, MJ & Pawpaw watched Baby Eric. They had a blast and caught our mobile babe in an almost-ready-to-crawl position! Check out the video:

Monday, November 11, 2013

Baby Giggles

I was fortunate enough to have today off from work. Baby Boy and I met up with some friends to go for a "hike" near Monitcello. After the walk, I was drinking some water from my water bottle and the little popping sound made Eric burst into giggles! This was my attempt to catch the adorable baby giggles from our internal laugher on video. Enjoy!

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

6 Months and Sitting!

A week and a half ago, our sweet boy turned 6 months - one day before Pawpaw's 60th birthday, it should be noted.  In typical fashion, we were about a week late in taking his monthly photos.  It was amazing how much Eric developed in just that one week!  For instance, he started sitting by himself!  We continue to adore and fawn over our little guy - and we love to watch his changes and learn about his personality.

Here are a few highlights from month six:

  • Eric tried solids for the first time...he wasn't impressed. 
  • He started sitting up by himself
  • He loves laying on his tummy and blowing bubbles
  • Baby boy has start rolling over on the changing table...i.e. we can't leave him alone because he will definitely not be in the same spot when you come back!
  • Unfortunately, he is more aware of when Mom and Dad leave him
  • Eric plays with the "big kids" (crawling babies) at daycare
  • Giggles when tickled under the armpits...but only for a finite period of time
  • Baby boy loves to give "sneaky" hugs - where he pulls out your hair mid-hug