Thursday, August 29, 2013

Oh Baby, What a Week!

Woah what a week for this family of three! Eric started full time at daycare this past Monday. There were a few fussy moments (and lots of parental guilt), but overall he really likes his teachers and the daycare center. Christian and I feel comfortable sending him there. And a full day there definitely tired the little guy out! I came home to this sight every evening:
A very tired baby boy.

While there seem to be a lot of positives with starting daycare, there are also a few getting sick. Eric got his first cold this past Wendesday and a slight fever. Daycare initiation if you will. The poor guy was quite a trooper through all of the snot. 

Also on Wednesday, Eric turned four months (yay!) and had his 4-month checkup at the doctor's. He was a brave boy and got four shots - ouch! His new stats are: 16 lbs 4 oz and 27 inches in length! That is 5 inches in 4 months. 

With all of this activity this Bergman family did not get much rest this week. So we are thankful that MJ could watch our sick boy on Friday and for a long holiday weekend together. Here are some other photos from the week:

Sunday, August 25, 2013

Babysitting Diaries: the Fars

Farfar and Farmor (Christer and Susanne) were Eric's last set of babysitters before he had to go to daycare.  They came down and stayed with us for two weeks.  It was a great time for Baby Boy to get to know his grandparents and for them to get to know him!  Christian and I enjoyed, and appreciated, daily home cooked meals and updates on Eric's activities.

Here are some highlights from Eric's time with the "Fars":

  • Trips to Loews.  Baby Boy helped out with the gardening and other projects
  • Motorcycle rides through the country roads
  • Singing Swedish snaps songs with Farfar
  • Thumb sucking
  • Enjoying walks and outdoor time with Farmor

Biker boys
Story time with farfar
Yumm, yumm farmor. Thanks!

Sing farfar, sing!

Look what I can do! 

The Swedes!

Eric and his farmor

Saturday, August 24, 2013

First Day of Daycare

Well, the day finally came - the first day of daycare.  We gathered all of the supplies we thought (and hoped) Baby Boy would need to keep him comfortable, safe, and happy.  We spent the night before daycare labeling all of Eric's gear.

The morning of the daycare drop off, we took a caravan of three cars (mine, Christian's and Fars') over to First Steps.  Fortunately, the daycare center was not busy when we got there; so it was nice to come in and meet the teachers in a calm setting.  Eric's teacher, Bonnie, showed us around and where they would keep Eric's stuff and where his crib stuff.  Baby boy was happy there and started to play right away.  He got a good report and ate a lot!  I was glad that he was happy and safe, but it was still tough and weird to leave our little boy at daycare.  Eric came home tired and slept really well last night.  Next week Eric will have to go for full days and for four days in a row - hopefully he still likes it!

Eric playing with the toys at daycare

On the way to daycare!

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Dixie and Melanie Visit!

The weekend of August 10th, Dixie and Melanie came into town to visit and meet Baby Boy. We had a great weekend, catching up, playing with Eric and grilling out. Eric loved flirting with his beautiful aunties! Here are a few photos.

Thursday, August 8, 2013

Babysitting Diaries: Singing with SueSue and Pawpaw

Our next fab babysitter was Aunt Suzanne. She took time away from work to travel down to Cville to babysit her little newphew. Aunt Suzanne or Sue Sue, discovered a great Pandora station with nursery rhymes that Eric loved! Suzanne stole some good baby tips from her friend Cortney, who is a nanny for twins. Baby Boy must have been going through a growth spurt, because he chowed down that week! I was glad Sue Sue and Eric were able to bond and I enjoyed more daily photos and texts about our boy. 

The week ended with MJ babysitting on Thursday and Pawpaw on Friday. Pawpaw found another good music station that Baby Boy loved. When I came home from work the two of them were just singing away!  Eric also enjoyed a lot of snuggles this week!  Here are a few photos. 

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Weekend Activities

This past weekend, we had a wedding up in NOVA and Uncle Chris & co. were in town for the week. Christian and I got a night out thanks to our fabulous babysitters, MJ, Pawpaw and Suzanne; and we got to visit with the Chris Colliers. Sunday we went up to Rockville to visit Jackie, Andrew and the kids. They recently moved, so we got to see their great new house! Baby Boy did great on this  road trip. He slept really well (and for the first time) in his pack 'n play!  Here are some photos from the weekend, including one of Eric's new plaid outfit - just like Uncle Kevin :).
Cousin Clarie with Eric
Fancy photo shoot with Cousin Jackie
I love my Baby Boy!
Dressed up and ready to head to Hillary's wedding
Group family shot!