Saturday, June 28, 2014

Grocery Shoppin'

Today we took Eric out of the shopping cart and let him roam the grocery store with us. He automatically checked out the cart wheels and then started pushing the himself! He walked every aisle...just stopping for a beverage...

Friday, June 27, 2014

Give Me Big Boy Food

These days (really as of the start of this week), Eric will only eat food if he can pick it up, examine it, taste it and then put it in his own mouth. That means he is pretty much eating what we eat. It is really fun to watch him experiment with new foods. Oh and he LOVES oranges!!

Monday, June 23, 2014

One Year Old Family Photos

Another late post...on the weekend we celebrated Eric's first birthday, we set up a family photo shoot. Amy Benoit, who took Eric's newborn photos, met up with us at a local park to document Eric's first birthday. Here are some of the wonderful photos she took!

Sunday, June 22, 2014

The Swedican goes to Sweden...(late post)

Life has been a little hectic for our family of three these days so we are veryyy behind in posting about our Swedican! 
Right after graduation we packed up our entire townhouse (yes almost literally) and drive up to Dulles to journey across the pond to Sweden. Eric did a great job on the plane for both trips! He loved all of the attention and made quite a few new friends (even if he did try to bite some of them). Once in Sweden, we had a great time visiting all of the relatives. Plus we had wonderful sunny weather the whole trip! Here are just a few highlights from the trip:
-Eric's first bike ride
-lots and lots of walking
-cousin time
-great grandparent and grandparent time
-Eric discovered his love/hate for cats & dogs
-Eric's first boat ride
-a trip to the circus
-car time with Uncle Hans