Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Baby's First Snow

Charlottesville saw its first real snow of the winter yesterday. I bundled up Baby Boy and took him outside to experience snow for the first time. He kind of just sat there like "okay." To be fair I was rushing us off to daycare and work, this snow "experience" was really more of a photo opt...but Eric did look darn cute regardless! :) 

We'll catch the next snow for the experience part.

Monday, January 20, 2014

Days off from work are the best

Fortunately, today was a holiday so I had the day off from work. That meant I got another full day of baby boy time. Thankful for sunny days with Eric. 

Time to Baby Proof

Our little baby boy is very mobile now. This past weekend, we noticed if we left his little play area for a second, he would army crawl away into another room. So it is definitely time to baby proof! Here is a photo of Eric going wherever he wants to!

Sunday, January 19, 2014

Medical Conference & Beach Visitors

Yesterday, Christian presented his sepsis research to the ACP - go Christian!! Our good friend Pete, also a doctor, came up from Portsmith to judge the competition. Fortunately that meant that Eric and I got to hang with Natalie (Pete's wife) while the guys did cool science-y things. We had a great weekend catching up, playing games, and a trip to a local vineyard. Of course Eric was a wonderful baby and loved hanging with Natalie and Pete!

Saturday, January 11, 2014

Magic Paper?

Eric is quite good an army crawler these days, especially when he sees the sight of paper!

A New Year, A New Class

After the holidays and when Baby Boy went back to daycare we found out that he had graduated out of the baby class into the toddler/moving baby class.  It was a bit of a rough transition, since he loved the teachers in his old class (especially Miss Zakia).  Eric cried every morning when we dropped him off.  But the older babies in his new class will be able to teach him how to crawl, pull himself up, eat solids, etc.

A Da Da Da

Eric is such a chatter box and these days loves to talk about his daddy! Here is a cute video of baby boy chatting up his Da Da.

A New Throne

Our growing prince has outgrown his car seat from cousin Jackie. So we did some research and bought two new car seats for Eric. The new thrones are much roomier and baby boy should be much more comfy in the car. 

8 Months!

Hard to believe that on December 28th our little man turned 8 months! Eric is much more mobile, has finally given into eating solids (but not really veggies...), has two prominate bottom teeth, and still such a wonderful baby boy. Aunt Suzanne and Kevin helped us with his 8 month photo shoot! 

Baby's First Christmas

Our little Swedican has had a busy past month therefore I am behind in many is some catch up!

Eric had a great first Christmas and was spoiled with love and many new toys (as every child should be). The Fars came down for Christmas week and we celebrated a Swedish Christmas on the 24th. Then on Christmas Day it was over to MJ and Pawpaw's for an American Christmas. Eric loved the wrapping paper! We had a great time with lots of good food, snapps, and family time.