Saturday, May 18, 2013

Target: Just the Two of Us

Today Eric and I ventured to Target together; by ourselves. Overall the trip was a success! Today was rainy and when we got a break in the clouds (and after a good feeding & diaper change), we headed out. Unfortunately, the car ride did not lull baby boy asleep...and it started to rain on the way into the store. Once in the store, Eric was super alert; there were so many new sounds and bright lights. He remained memorized, but then another baby in the store started to cry. So Eric started to cry also. I went to the first aisle, rocked him in the shopping cart and turned on the white noise app. I was about to pack up and go home, but then...Eric fell asleep! He slept for the rest of the trip (and a short nap when we got home). Trip summary: errands done, I got out of the house, and baby boy got a nap!

1 comment:

  1. He is such a cutie! He is really getting bigger. So nice to read all of the blog post from you guys and baby Eric!

    Lots of love from sweden!

    // Ida
